Salami, Feta and pepperdew Braai Broodjie

Hashtags: #BraaiBroodjie #SouthAfricanBraai #SalamiFetaPepperdew #GrilledSandwich #BraaiRecipe

Recipe: Salami, Feta and Pepperdew Braai Broodjie

Description: A Braai Broodjie is a traditional South African grilled sandwich, typically made on the barbeque or braai. This recipe adds a delicious twist by incorporating salty salami, tangy feta cheese, and sweet and spicy pepperdews. The result is a flavor explosion in every bite, perfect for any summer braai gathering.

– 8 slices of bread
– 8 slices of salami
– 4 pepperdews, sliced
– 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
– Butter
– Olive oil

1. Preheat your braai or grill to medium-high heat (around 200 degrees Celsius).
2. Assemble the sandwiches by placing a slice of salami on one slice of bread.
3. Top the salami with a few slices of pepperdew and a sprinkle of feta cheese.
4. Place another slice of bread on top to create a sandwich.
5. Repeat with the remaining bread slices to make 4 sandwiches.
6. Brush one side of each sandwich with butter and place it butter-side down on the braai or grill.
7. Brush the other side of the sandwich with olive oil.
8. Grill the sandwiches for 2-3 minutes on each side, until the bread is toasted and the cheese is melted.
9. Serve hot and enjoy the tasty combination of flavors in every bite.

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